Having a community drive is fun and responsible. May Metals Inc. would love to become a part of your community drive. Whether you are a Church, School, City or Business, you canjoin in partnership with May Metals Inc. to help organize a recycling drive. Please take advantage of this service and show others how responsible it is to recycle. Be an example for the younger generation by being sensitive to the environment.
We work with local businesses and Non-profit organizations to help raise funds through recycling drives.
If you would like for May Metals Inc. to help you in a "Green Day" event or cause, just pick up the phone or send us an email right away. We love our business and We love our environment!
May Metals Inc. can assist you in enhancing your bottom line through Precious and Base Metal recovery. Serious inquires are best served by calling our toll free number at (877) 774-5837 or our Tennessee office at 615-351-5407.